The Third Factor of Production A.J. Ogilvy [1898] Title Page Introductory Note by Alfred R. Wallace Contents CHAPTER 1: The Third Factor of Production The Law of Indifference The Distinction in the Mind of the Capitalist Transferability of Taxes on Capital Medium of Exchange The Tyranny of Capital Capital as Originating Enterprise Food Summary CHAPTER 2: A Colonist's Plea for Land Nationalisation The Unearned Increment, Its Magnitude The Real Sufferer Proletarianism v. Slavery Land Monopoly Not Only Aborbs the Fruit of Industry but also Hinders its Progress Review of the Situation Our Principles and Proposals Conclusion CHAPTER 3: Money Tribute v. Earnings Tribute Can Only Be Paid by Work All Tribute Arises from Private Ownership of Land CHAPTER 4: The Malthusian Doctrine Diminishing Return v. Diminishing Area The law of Diminishing Return Resort to Inferior Lands Supposed Examples of the Malthusian Doctrine Examined CHAPTER 5: Labour v. Capital CHAPTER 6: Saving and Spending Part II: Now Letus Go Into the Whole Question of Saving v. Spending Consumption Over-Consumption Saving or Labour Saving Money Interest CHAPTER 7: The Appreciation of Gold