Mr. Henry George:
An Examination of Mr George's position as a
Systematic Economist and a Review of the
Competitive and Socialistic Schools of Economy
Robert Scott Moffat
[Book V / Chapter III / 1885]
That Ricardo's theory of rent is in a high degree plausible is
obvious from the fact that it has been almost universally received by
economists. No more insinuating doctrine, in fact, was ever presented
to human reason. This is the natural result of the process of
elimination, of which it is the masterpiece. All reasoning to some
extent includes elimination. But it is one thing in a particular
process of reasoning to eliminate facts irrelevant to the immediate
object of inquiry, and another and very different thing to introduce
the wholesale elimination of facts as a method of scientific
investigation, that gives a greater appearance of plausibility to this
process in the hands of Ricardo is the air of realism he gives to the
fictitious illustrations by means of which he conducts it, by putting
them in the form of actual transactions, although he is well aware
that no such transactions as he represents them take place. I have
formerly said (
The Economy of Consumption, Part I., Book IV., Chap. V.):
"While his premises are always abstract, he almost
invariably puts them in a concrete form, arraying them in the
fictitious garb of facts and figures. Thus he contrives to move the
industrial machine by means of sets of economical marionettes. But
however amusing may be the motions of his figures, there is always
some difference between the motions inspired by a brain of sawdust
and one of the ordinary human texture."
Rent is evidently to a large extent differential; it is paid for the
use of land; and those who pay it do so in the hope of making a profit
by the cultivation of the land rented. Moreover what causes rent to
assume a differential character is that land varies to a great extent,
and usually very gradually, in fertility; so that there is usually in
a country at every stage of its industrial progress some land which it
would not pay to cultivate, as well as some the cultivation of which
would only leave a bare profit, without allowing anything for rent.
According to the distribution of population, land is subject to
similar variation in advantage of situation. These with some others
implied, and to be afterward noticed, are the facts to be represented
in the theory of rent. What could be more plausible than to represent
them thus? Rent is "that portion of the produce of the earth
which is paid to the landlord for the use of the original and
indestructive powers of the soil." It is a surplus over the cost
of labour and capital required to cultivate the soil. When the produce
does not exceed the cost of labour and capital, that is to say, when
there is more than sufficient to yield ordinary wages and profit, the
land yields no rent. Land which yields rent may, and commonly will be
cultivated, if it yields the return just specified to labour and
capital; but not otherwise. Accordingly the margin of cultivation is
that degree of fertility which will yield the ordinary profit to
capital, and the customary maintenance to labourers, without any
surplus. The cost of production on land of this description determines
the line above which all the produce of the more fertile land goes to
rent. It represents, therefore, the cost of production, inclusive of
rent, to all agricultural producers more favorably situated. Hence it
is the standard cost of production, and regulates the market value of
the produce.
This is the theory of rent, as propounded by Ricardo, and from
beginning to end it is a pure fiction. So far, however, it is a
consistent fiction. Ricardo adds to it certain corollaries in relation
to the growth of population which contain new Principles totally
contradictory of the preceding, and which land the whole subject in a
confusion only more skillfully disguised than that which we have found
in the parody of Mr. George. It is with these corollaries in their
relation to the distribution of wealth that we have at present to do.
To discuss Ricardo's theory in its whole extent would carry us beyond
the bounds of our present inquiry, but I shall briefly indicate,
without controversy, the corrections that require to be made on the
preceding propositions.
I may premise that in the preceding statement of Ricardo's theory I
have omitted the part of the theory that is most distinctively
Ricardo's, because it is for the present purpose unessential, and it
is inconsistent with the assumed general facts which constitute the
theory, or on which it rests, although it is quite in accordance with
the method of Ricardo to substitute a fictitious abstraction for a
generalization from facts. Because Ricardo held that the cost of
production to the farmer was alike on whatever soil he worked, and
that the standard of that cost and remuneration were the cost and
remuneration on the land last entered upon, he held that rent did not
enter into cost of production. Now assuming the former generalization
to be true, the latter is not a true inference from it. If the cost of
production on all lands is equal, then rent enters into cost of
production in all cases except on the land last entered upon,
otherwise the cost of production in all other cases must be
fictitiously made up; for the capital and wages expended on better
land are not actually equal to those on worse. It is rent that reduces
them to the same level of productiveness; consequently, without rent
the cost of production on the better land cannot be made up. What
Ricardo does is to substitute for it a fictitious statement consisting
of an equal cost made up under different conditions. The true
inference from the standard assumed by Ricardo is that rent enters
into cost of production as a variable, or differential element, the
alternative element on Ricardo's principle being; wages, seeing he
assumes the remuneration of capital to be always equal.
Rent is not a price paid for the use of the indestructible powers of
the soil. No concrete liability of this kind is ever incurred, and no
such payment ever made. Bent is paid for the temporary use of certain
of the customary or legal privileges of ownership, which the owner
continues to guard while the tenant makes use of them. The tenant's
use gives him the control not of the indestructible, but of the actual
powers of the soil, with all improvements already made, a use which is
not unaccompanied with risk of loss, even if the tenant undertakes to
return the land unimpaired, as he may fail to fulfill his engagement.
It also gives him the use of all improvements made by the landlord
during his tenancy, and as long as land is owned; the chief interest
in its improvement will remain with the landlord. Thus the landlord is
not, as the Ricardian theory represents, a passive instrument of the
industrial organization, but an active agent in it. Among other
functions which he exercises in it, one of the highest importance is
the selection of tenants, so that even the tenants' improvements
proceed primarily from him, and rent is not an idle revenue, as the
theory assumes, but the capital on which the landlord's improving
power depends. It is because of the landlord's interest in improvement
that land is cultivated without rent.
But it is not true that the margin of cultivation is the cessation of
rent, together with the maintenance of profit and wages. As the
landlord has active functions to discharge, the margin of
self-supporting production includes a rent adequate to the performance
of his duties; as he has an interest in promoting production the
margin of actual production is the limit of the desire of the landlord
to improve, and includes not only the cessation of all profit, but a
negative rent, or an outlay instead of a revenue to the landlord. Rent
is not a mere surplus over cost of production. It is determined by the
relative speculativeness of landlords and tenants upon variable
markets and a variable cost of production. The standard or
self-sustaining cost of production includes a rent adequate to the
maintenance of the capital necessary to the due performance of the
functions of the landlord; a profit adequate to the performance of
those of the farmers, and wages sufficient for the maintenance of the
labourers and their dependents. There is no fixed margin of actual
cultivation. It varies with the intensity of speculation. The market
price, which determines rent, is not determined by a fictitious
standard of cost of production, but by the quantity of produce
actually brought to the market taken in relation to the actual demand
for it. The ratio of supply to demand fluctuates, as already said,
with the degree of speculation. Profit and wages have each a
differential element as well as rent, and, as already said the limit
of self-sustaining production includes a positive rent as well as
positive profit and wages.
The following are Ricardo's corollaries. He lays down the principle
that the "natural" wages of labour are the means of
maintenance including: reproduction of the species. He assumes,
apparently because these are the "natural" wages of labour,
that somehow they must be got. He lays it down again and again that a
rise in the cost of necessaries, if not preceded, must be followed, he
seems to think immediately and by direct consequence, by a rise in the
ratio of wages. He assumes that the tendency of competition is to
equalize profits, consequently he treats profits as equal. He holds
that the profit of cultivation at the margin of production determines
not only agricultural profits, but all the profits of production, and
all other profits earned by the employment of capital. When the
numbers of labourers increase, the assumed necessity of finding
subsistence forces production on to inferior soils, with a gradual
increase of rent and universal decline of profit. Wages being already
at the level of subsistence remain constant.
The theory of the tendency of wages to a minimum requires a more
exact definition, which has been already given, [Book II, Chapter II]
than that it is the "natural" wages of labour. The principle
itself is no doubt founded on actual observation, but it is defined
with that readiness for a priori generalization which characterizes
all the speculations of Ricardo, and the whole superstructure which
Ricardo has built on it is an absolute fiction. It is not a fiction
dependent upon the fictitious character of the previous theory, but a
new and independent one, for the reader will observe that the
tendencies of the same force, namely that of rent, assumed in the
original theory are not only divergent from, but opposite to those
assumed in the derived theory. In the former theory rent is a mere
surplus profit, or margin on the cost of production necessary to
remunerate all the active producing agents, among whom the landlord is
not, in Ricardo's theory, included. The remuneration of the landlord
is thus determined by, and not determining of the remuneration of
these agents; in the latter theory we find rent an aggressive force
gradually crushing out profit, which has already reduced wages to a
minimum, and, through the extinction of profit, arresting the growth
of population. The [unreadable] by which this change in the character
of rent, and the singular inconsistency between its original and its
ultimate relations to profit is wrought, is the theory of wages.
Why must labourers obtain the means of subsistence? Ricardo does not
tell us. There is one way in which it is certain they must. Their
number will be reduced to those who can obtain subsistence. This is no
doubt what Ricardo, with his rapid habit of generalization, had in
view when he originated his theory of wages; but this is not the view
he has embodied in it. It is essential to Ricardo's method that all
details should be struck out, and all processes eliminated. I have
shown that it is impossible to reach the results of a complex process
in this way. Accordingly Ricardo has in every case substituted
something that has a superficial resemblance to, but is in principle
fundamentally opposed to it. What he has actually embodied in his
theory is a gratuitous assumption that labourers get the means of
subsistence because they require them.
Mr. George supplies the omission of Ricardo, and gives a specific and
definite answer to the question. What is the natural source of the
labourer's wages? His answer, as we have seen, is given in his
capacity as a strict follower of Ricardo. [It will be remembered that
he gives elsewhere a very different definition of the remuneration of
labour, one which is entirely his own invention,] He says, the wage's
of labour are determined by what the labourer could earn for himself
on the land on which he can enter free of rent. This answer, as has
been shown, is most dutifully Ricardian, for it is a pure fiction. In
a country with an organized industry all land, whether cultivated or
not, is appropriated. It is open to owners or capitalists; but not to
labourers having no means to cultivate it. There is, therefore, no
such land, and nothing at all can be earned on it.
Taking Ricardo's generalization as he himself has applied it, it is
manifestly contrary to fact. There is no reason compatible with a
competitive organization of industry why a capitalist should employ a
labourer for the purpose of supplying his wants, unless a sufficient
remuneration for his capital can be earned on the employment of him.
There is consequently no reason why the wants of labourers, or the
growth of their numbers, should diminish the profits of capital.
It seems to me evident that Ricardo did not derive originally his
theory of the synchronous quality of profits, and of their gradual
decline, from the doctrine of the standard cost of production. The
former is avowedly derived from the nature of competition, and others
besides Ricardo have derived the latter from the same source. Adam
Smith has observed a tendency in the rate of profits to decline with
the advance of industrial organization. What Ricardo did was to
combine these independent observations into a complete generalization
along with his laws of rent and wages. In order to appreciate this
result it will be necessary to investigate independently the real
nature of the distribution of the proceeds of industry in a community
with an organized competitive industry, between the three main
contributories - land, capital and labour. I shall take them in the
order given, premising that the remuneration of labour has already
been pretty fully discussed, and, being in this order the
complementary factor of the three, will require only a very general
Rent, I speak firstly of agricultural rent, can never be more than a
portion of the gross profit of agricultural production, after
deduction of the actual outlay on wages and material. There may be no
rent, or there may be a rent paid at the cost of the cultivator, but a
rent can only be actually earned when the costs of cultivation have
been paid, and something is left to the cultivator to divide with his
Now, as we have seen, with advancing organization, the cost of raw
material bears generally a diminishing ratio, normally, it may be
said, a continuously diminishing ratio, to the aggregate wealth of the
community, so the notion of all the proceeds of production becoming
absorbed in rent is entirely unwarranted by anything in the nature of
rent itself. The landlord we have found to be an active agent in the
industrial organization. His agency is conducted through the medium of
rent as a capital; but it embraces responsibilities peculiar to the
holder of the original resources of production. We have seen that the
efforts of the landlord to increase the revenue of his own land tend
to reduce rent in the aggregate. This is especially the case with that
class of exertions which commonly earn for the landlord the highest
unpopularity. When he exacts the full competitive rent of the land, he
exacts from his tenant the full measure of competitive diligence, and
when he evicts idle, incompetent or impoverished tenants, he is
providing for the use of adequate means to promote efficient
cultivation. All these things tend to increase aggregate production,
and whatever tends to increase aggregate production tends directly to
diminish rent.
As land has a value for other purposes besides agriculture the
landlord has other interests than his industrial interests; but the
effects of these upon his industrial interest have been greatly
exaggerated. Before the landlord can use land for his amusement, he
must live by it, and the more expensively he lives, the more he must
get out of it. The extent, therefore, of the alien interests of
landlords is strictly controlled by their industrial interests. With a
free exchange of land it would never lead to greater appropriation of
land to purposes of pleasure than is desirable in the general interest
of the community.
Rent, as we have seen, enters as a distinctive element into value. It
may either enter as a positive or a negative element. That is to say
the relative quantity of produce brought to market may be diminished
by the necessity of contributing something to the support of
landlords, or it may be increased by the speculation of landlords to
increase rents. Ricardo's standard is a delusion. It is not even the
standard round which competition fluctuates. That, as I have shown, is
the standard of self-sustaining production, including a positive rent.
Mines, and all other sources of raw material, follow the same law as
agricultural land; but there is another kind of property that requires
farther notice. Mr. George, apparently apprehensive that agricultural
rent, notwithstanding his unrestricted demonstration to that effect,
would not be able to devour the whole proceeds of industry, and
somewhat suspicious, perhaps, that the fact did not correspond with
his theory as well as it might from the satisfactory nature of his
logic be expected to do, has brought a similar charge in an aggravated
form against the rent of tenements in towns.
Although Mr. George gives in his grandiloquent way a sketch of the
growth of population from the first settler to the rise of a great
city, he is utterly incognizant of the economic conditions by which
that growth is controlled and co-ordinated. His position that the rent
of towns ever has absorbed, or can absorb, the bulk of manufacturing
or mercantile profits, is dictated by the most superficial and
inaccurate observation. It might seem obvious at first sight that the
capitalist will not work for a landlord, any more than for a labourer,
unless he receives adequate remuneration. Mr. George's strictures are,
of course, properly applicable to the differential rent due to
situation; which, it is to be noted, may be very different from actual
ground rent. But even gross rental including "interest" on
buildings, and even on machinery, will not sustain his hypothesis.
What is the rent of the most expensive counting- house in the City to
the profits of one of its largest merchants? What is the rent of the
office of an insurance company or a bank to the amount of business it
transacts? With regard to large manufactories practical proximity to a
town can be obtained by them without incurring the differential rent
of a choice town site, by selecting a suburban one. Differential value
in shop rents is also a matter exclusively of position. It rests upon
the general profits of a locality, not upon the capabilities of
particular traders. If a man could double his gross profit in a year
by causes peculiar to himself, and not common to the locality, it
would not raise his rent one halfpenny. Nor does the town any more
than the country landlord get the whole advantage of differential
value. To cultivate a superior situation he requires a superior
tradesman, and has to allow him a superior profit. With regard to
private residence, people of any class can be accommodated in a large
town at a moderate rental, if they do not insist on living in
districts consecrated by fashion as eligible, or specially
appropriated to other more remunerative uses.
Differential rent is the co-ordinating force that not only regulates
the growth and distribution of population in each particular town, but
also the relative growth of different towns, not only in the same,
but, in as far as commerce is free, even in different communities.
It determines for example, the limits of the enormous growth of
London, not only by setting a higher cost of living against its
attractions as a resort of fashion; but also by raising the cost of
all industrial enterprises, not only positively, but relatively to
their cost in other centres of industry. It also distributes all sites
in towns relatively to the importance measured by a mercantile
standard, of the uses for which they are demanded. The notion that
these functions could be performed by any external force, whether
governmental or municipal, or otherwise than by competition among
those concerned, is not compatible with a rudimentary knowledge of
economic law, whether as founded on physical facts, or on human
motives or dispositions.